Location: Triratna Leeds Buddhist Centre
On Saturday 8th December 10am til 4pm
With Uddyotani, Samanartha and Hridayavaca
At Triratna Leeds Buddhist Centre
This is a day retreat for people who have completed an Introductory course or similar program with the Triratna Buddhist Community, who are familiar with the meditation practices we teach and who haven’t yet had the opportunity to study in a group.
With meditation, discussion, study and ritual through the day, it’s a chance to explore together with others who want to deeper their practice and understanding of Buddhism.
We intend in the new year to offer people the opportunity to join a new study group, and we hope this day will help us get a sense of who might be interested.
If you’d like to come on the day please email us at enquiries@leedsbuddhistcentre.org or sign up on the noticeboard.
This event is run on Dana with a suggested donation of £20-£40. Please bring vegan/vegi food to share.
Date(s) - 08/12/2018
10:00 am - 4:00 pm