Friday Night Puja To Padmasambhava

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Location: Leeds Buddhist Centre

To the Northwest in the land of Urgyen

On the calyx of a lotus flower.

Oh wondrous!

The highest siddhi has been attained

By Padmasambhava renowned

Oh you who are encircled

With an entourage of Dakinis,

Following your example will I work

You must come here to give me your blessing

Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

Join Amalasārā and Prajnanātha for an evening dedicated to Padmasambhava. Meet at 7pm for a rich programme of meditation, ritual, devotion, chanting and music.

We will be evoking Padmasambhava, the historical guru, credited with subduing demons and establishing Buddhism in Tibet in the 8th Century. His remarkable life is surrounded in myth, making him a magical and mystical figure. He embodies the qualities of vision, fearlessness and transformation.

Beware! There will be incense, drums and dakinis!

Date(s) - 12/07/2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm