The bright qualities of the Buddhas

The simile of the water drops – Water drops fill a water jar drop by drop, Gradually, from the first incidence to the last one. Just so the first thought is the [initial] cause of supreme enlightenment; Gradually are the bright qualities fulfilled in the...

A beautiful space for hire

We are delighted to offer our lovely centre for hire. The Leeds Buddhist Centre has two lovely rooms – one is a spacious hall which would be ideal for yoga, qigong, and quieter groups. The second space is perhaps more suitable for social meetings. We offer good...

radical dharma – newcomers course

Buddhism is about becoming happier, but it takes a radical approach to this: namely that happiness comes from inside. But more than this, we can change this inner dynamic to create more happiness – a deep richness that is reachable by anyone. For this six week...

The Three Great Myths – retreat information

Please find the following information for the Autumn Sangha Retreat 2024 Dear friend Thank you for booking on to our upcoming November retreat at Beamsley. Please find below a message from Uddyotani, Silaphala, Nagakusala and Hridayavaca, who are leading the weekend...

Opening to Freedom

Opening to Freedom – the Three Great Myths 6pm Friday 15th November to 4pm Sunday 17th November The Three Myths are: self-development, self-surrender and self-discovery. They offer us three different views of practice which can open us up towards true freedom...