The simile of the water drops - Water drops fill a water jar drop by drop, Gradually, from the first incidence to the last one. Just so the first thought is the [initial] cause of supreme enlightenment; Gradually are the bright qualities fulfilled in the Buddhas....
Latest News
radical dharma – newcomers course
Buddhism is about becoming happier, but it takes a radical approach to this: namely that happiness comes from inside. But more than this, we can change this inner dynamic to create more happiness - a deep richness that is reachable by anyone. For this six week course...
Opening to Freedom
Opening to Freedom - the Three Great Myths 6pm Friday 15th November to 4pm Sunday 17th November The Three Myths are: self-development, self-surrender and self-discovery. They offer us three different views of practice which can open us up towards true freedom and...
The Return Journey
The Return Journey - an evening of poetry. Date: Sunday 18th August, 2024! We are delighted that Eli is treating us to a collection of his poems. These are based on his experiences and exploration of Buddhism. Eli is a published poet and has performed to the...
transform the roof
The centre, as with all things, needs upkeep. You might have noticed the waterfall that occurs when there is a down pour. This is not a fantastic feature designed to create a mythical scene from a Classical Chinese picture. (I hope that doesn't come as a shock). The...
register interest in a newcomers course
Thank you for wishing to register interest in our forthcoming newcomers course. We are sure you will find the course interesting and practical but more importantly it will be a rich resource to grow, develop and make yours and others lives better! We will email you...
Buddha Day
You are welcome to join us from 10.00 for a day of meditation and devotion. Lunch will be vegetarian food to share. In the afternoon we will have the chance to add offerings to the shrine and talk about how we relate to The Buddha - who is He for each of us? Offerings...
Day retreat for newcomers
Change Yourself, and Change the World. Saturday 2nd March. This is a great opportunity to explore some aspects of Buddhism. Great for those new or fairly new to Buddhism, though all are welcome. The day runs from 10:30am to 4pm, arrive from 10am. Please bring...
Winter Solstice Varieties Night
The First Winter Solstice Varieties Night is here and everyone is welcome! This is looking like a great line up of performers of music poetry and jokes(?). Friends and family are welcome! And it's free! The Date is Friday 22nd December The evening will start at 6pm...
Leeds Buddhist Centre Winter Craft Festival
We are holding an indoor winter festival of craft stalls, along with cake and tea, from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 3rd of December. This is an opportunity for Sangha members to show their wares and raise funds for the centre. Tables will be £10 each, or a donation of 10%...