Daytime Classes
Wednesday lunchtime meditation classes are in person at the centre, and online (12.45 – 1.30pm)
We run one drop-in meditation session each week. Wednesday lunchtimes are suitable for anyone wishing to learn meditation and establish a regular meditation practice.
In these sessions we cover:
– Relaxing body scan
– Working with the breath
– Developing kindness to yourself and others
These classes are ideal for newcomers but experienced meditators are also very welcome. Please note: anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Join us on any Wednesday lunchtime at 12.45 for a ‘taster’ of three different kinds of meditation practice (one each week and repeating).
Suitable for beginners, newcomers and regulars.
12.45pm to 1.30pm (online from 12.30pm)
There is no need to book, just join in person or by zoom us using the link below. Everybody welcome.
These classes are run on a drop-in basis and there is no charge. However, the Buddhist Centre relies on the generosity of the people who use it. If you can, please help us to make mindfulness, meditation and Buddhism available to everyone by making a donation or by taking out a regular standing order to support the Centre.
You can join the Zoom meeting here:
Meeting ID: 898 2288 2032
Password: Triratna