Day retreat Saturday 4th January 10.30am – 4.30pm  Led by Uddyotani 

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Location: Leeds Buddhist Centre

On Saturday 4th January 2025 we will be looking at chapter 7, which explores meditation. This chapter in particular is a fantastic resource and inspiration for the metta bhavana and for working with the kleshas of craving, aversion and ignorance. The day will include meditation, readings from the Bodhicharyavatara, study, discussion and a puja.

Open to anyone who attends Triratna Leeds Buddhist Centre and is familiar with meditation.

Please bring some vegetarian food to share for lunch.  There is no charge for the day, we do though invite donations to help us cover the costs, and to support Leeds Buddhist Centre. We suggest donations like other full day events, e.g. £30/£50, and want people to feel able to attend, regardless of what they can afford, so please just give what you can.


Date(s) - 04/01/2025
10:30 am - 4:30 pm