Day Retreat

What is true?
Sunday 30th April 2017, 9.30am (for 10.00am start) to 4.00pm


We will explore together how Dharma practice looks into what is true, including our own views. How do these views affect our capacity to practice kindness towards ourselves and others?

The day will involve meditation, study and devotion (a puja/ritual and chanting).

You might like to read the Chanki Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 95), beforehand – the study will be based around this,  particularly sections 14 and 15. (You don’t have to do this.)

Open to all who are familiar with the mindfulness of breathing and the metta bhavana.

There is no need to book.

Please bring vegan or vegetarian food to share for lunch.

The retreat will be provided on a dana (generosity) basis. We ask that you consider making a donation to the Centre on the day. If you are not able to give any money please come anyway.

Day Retreats offer a good opportunity to go deeper with meditation, for newcomers and also for more experienced meditators.

Date(s) - 30/04/2017
10:00 am - 4:00 pm