Saturday Newcomers’ Class

a guide to the buddhist path

Saturday mornings, 10.30a.m to 12.45 p.m
Starts 29th April 2017 for 6 weeks
(last class 3rd June) 

A 6-week course for newcomers and  people with some experience of meditation and Buddhism who want to take their practice more fully into everyday life. The course will take you on a journey of practical week by week exercises, focusing on cultivating mindful awareness, being happy, integrating and simplifying our lives, knowing ourselves and truly being ourselves. The course also introduces the stages of the system of practice followed within the Triratna Buddhist Community.

This is a drop in class, no booking is required. It is not essential to come every week or to commit to the full course, although the course will be more effective if you can attend the full run of sessions.

The classes will be provided on a dana (generosity) basis. We ask that you consider making a donation on the morning and if you are not able to give any money please come anyway.

Date(s) - 29/04/2017
10:30 am - 12:45 pm