Saturday Newcomers’ Class

 Sailing the Worldly Winds

Every Saturday Morning until 16th December
A Practical Introduction to the Buddhist Pathblown around
From 10.30 am to 12.45 pm
This is a drop-in course and you can join at any time

Have you noticed how our lives seem to be blown off-course from time to time – sometimes in big ways sometimes in lots of small ways? Sometimes it can seem so hard to find lasting stability, peace and contentment (especially in today’s troubled, fast-moving world)

During these eight weeks we are exploring the Buddha’s teaching on the Worldly Winds and our natural wish to try and make our lives work in positive ways. Through talks, workshops, discussion and meditation, we’ll be looking at the benefits of his very practical approach to cultivating a more peaceful, happy and rewarding life for ourselves and those around us.

Everyone is welcome whether a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner.

This is a drop-in class, no booking is required. It is not essential to come every week or to commit to the full course, although the course will be more effective if you can attend the full run of sessions.

The classes will be provided on a dana (generosity) basis. We ask that you consider making a donation on the morning and if you are not able to give any money please come anyway.

Date(s) - 28/10/2017
10:30 am - 12:45 pm