The centre, as with all things, needs upkeep. You might have noticed the waterfall that occurs when there is a down pour. This is not a fantastic feature designed to create a mythical scene from a Classical Chinese picture. (I hope that doesn’t come as a shock).

The roof is in need of repair – the two porches and work on the main roof need attention. So we are having a drive to raise £3500 and hopefully more to repair these and provide ongoing repairs for the centre and its activities.

Here’s where you can help. Please give generously to the appeal. You can do this by following this donate link, contributing at the centre (via cash or the Sumup machine, or by a transfer to our account directly.

It would be great if we knew what was given, and as such, we’d ask you email the centre with the amount you have given. We will publish the progress of the fundraiser from these emails, so they are important!

We look forward to a dry and leak free winter!

Warm regards, Sārahadaya on behalf of the trustees.