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Weekend Retreat
Leeds Buddhist Centre is a community of friends exploring the Buddhist Path, including mindfulness, meditation, bodywork and Buddhist teachings, cultivating clarity, kindness, energy, sensitivity, and calmness. The centre is part of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
We offer both online and face-to-face activities at present. We run weekly drop-in sessions for newcomers and weekly sangha nights for regulars, plus meditation drop-ins and other events including day retreats. Keep up to date with what is happening by joining our mailing list at the bottom of the page.
Latest News
The bright qualities of the Buddhas
The simile of the water drops - Water drops fill a water jar drop by drop, Gradually, from the first incidence to the last one. Just so the first thought is the [initial] cause of supreme enlightenment; Gradually are the bright qualities fulfilled in the Buddhas....
radical dharma – newcomers course
Buddhism is about becoming happier, but it takes a radical approach to this: namely that happiness comes from inside. But more than this, we can change this inner dynamic to create more happiness - a deep richness that is reachable by anyone. For this six week course...
Opening to Freedom
Opening to Freedom - the Three Great Myths 6pm Friday 15th November to 4pm Sunday 17th November The Three Myths are: self-development, self-surrender and self-discovery. They offer us three different views of practice which can open us up towards true freedom and...