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Six Week Intro
Leeds Buddhist Centre is a community of friends exploring the Buddhist Path, including mindfulness, meditation, bodywork and Buddhist teachings, cultivating clarity, kindness, energy, sensitivity, and calmness. The centre is part of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
We offer both online and face-to-face activities at present. We run weekly drop-in sessions for newcomers and weekly sangha nights for regulars, plus meditation drop-ins and other events including day retreats. Keep up to date with what is happening by joining our mailing list at the bottom of the page.
Latest News
Leeds Buddhist Centre Winter Craft Festival
We are holding an indoor winter festival of craft stalls, along with cake and tea, from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 3rd of December. This is an opportunity for Sangha members to show their wares and raise funds for the centre. Tables will be £10 each, or a donation of 10%...
An evening of delight: music from the dharma
Delight in the Music of the Dharma This evening was a great success - Thank you for your support The event raised more than £600, but more importantly, created by the generosity of Jules Marley, Billy Harrison and Prajnanartha, we shared an evening of richness and...
Day of practice for newcomers
Saturday 17th June. It will be a day of Buddhist practice for people who would like to try some meditation, or to get a taste of our Buddhist Centre. No previous experience needed. All welcome. Tell your friends! Arrive from 10am for a 1030 start. If you come by...