We are so close to having our new Centre!

Our offer has been accepted on a building for our new Buddhist Centre! We are delighted that what is now our third offer for Beech House in Horsforth has been accepted. We have been looking for a centre of our own to practice and spread the Dharma, even before we left...

Have you started your online Christmas shopping yet?

Have you started your online Christmas shopping yet? If not you can, with no cost to yourself, help raise money for the Leeds Buddhist Centre…. Did you know that we have an Easy Fundraising account? You spend, brands donate to Triratna Buddhist Community...

Friends nights continue on Thursdays: in-person and online

Open to everyone who is familiar with the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana meditations, this class offers a chance to meditate with others, receive ideas and share ways of deepening our understanding and practice of Buddhism and meditation. You can read...

Seven Point Mind Training and the Tonglen Practice

Great to see people at tonight’s sangha night which was our last session on the Seven Point Mind Training. Here is the abbreviated list of mind training ‘slogans’ we used this evening, and also the instructions for the tonglen practice we did.

Supporting the centre

We are committed to offering events and classes on a donation basis. Please join this culture of generosity and give what you can so that you and others can continue to practice with us next week, next month and next year. You can find details about how to set up...

Meditate and connect – online classes

Please sign up to our newsletter to receive details about how to join us online. Newsletter sign-up Sangha night continues online on Thursdays, with meditation, talks and discussion.  Set up from 6.30 pm, we start at 7 pm, have a short break around 8 pm and finish by...

Closure of Leeds Buddhist Centre premises

Dear friends With great regret we have decided to close Leeds Buddhist Centre premises to the public for a while to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in view of the government’s guidance. It’s likely that the Buddhist Centre premises will...